BlackEnergy & Quedagh: The convergence of crimeware and APT attacks

BlackEnergy is a toolkit that has been used for years by various criminal outfits. In the summer of 2014, we noted that certain samples of BlackEnergy malware began targeting Ukranian government organizations for information harvesting. These samples were identified as being the work of one group, referred to in this document as “Quedagh”, which has a history of targeting political organizations.

The Quedagh-related customizations to the BlackEnergy malware include support for proxy servers and use of techniques to bypass User Account Control and driver signing features in 64-bit Windows systems. While monitoring BlackEnergy samples, we also uncovered a new variant used by this group. We named this new variant BlackEnergy 3.

The use of BlackEnergy for a politically-oriented attack is an intriguing convergence of criminal activity and espionage. As the kit is being used by multiple groups, it provides a greater measure of plausible deniability than is afforded by a custommade piece of code

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